OCCU-TEC is a leader in spill prevention and emergency response.

At OCCU-TEC, we understand the serious risk and ramifications of a spill. Our team of consultants has decades of experience helping a range of entities create protocols to prevent spills – and respond quickly in the wake of an accident.

We’ve worked with large telecommunications companies, hospitals, data centers, government agencies and educational institutions to develop efficient, effective SPCC plans that exceed EPA requirements. We start with a comprehensive review of fuel storage operations to lay the groundwork for:

  • Procedures to prevent spills
  • Controls to protect your assets and the environment
  • Plans to mitigate the effects from a potential spill

Because we’ve worked in such a wide range of industries, we understand that effective plans are tailored plans. Your facility is unique. That’s why our team of consultants takes an open, collaborative approach to our work, serving as an extension of your team. Whether you have a Qualified Tier I Facility, a Qualified Tier II Facility or a Non-Qualified Facility, our environmental specialists can help.

Our goal: A comprehensive plan that mitigates risk, promotes continuity and commits to a safe working environment.

Reach out to discuss how OCCU-TEC can help you with your SPCC plans.