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At OCCU-TEC, we believe that the best way to learn workplace safety is in a hands-on classroom setting.

Our in-person classroom training programs are designed to provide your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe on the job, in a real-world environment. Our instructors are experienced and qualified professionals who are passionate about workplace safety. They use a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on activities, to ensure that your employees learn the material effectively.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Disciplines Include: 

  • Asbestos Awareness (2 hours) 
  • Asbestos Operations and Maintenance (16 hours)
  • Asbestos worker (32 hours) 
  • Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor (40 hours) 
  • Asbestos Inspector (24 hours) 
  • Asbestos Management Planner (16 hours) 
Annual Refresher Courses are also offered for all asbestos disciplines. All asbestos courses can be conducted either in OCCU-TEC’s Training Room or a suitable client location.

Asbestos Awareness Training (2 hours)

This training is for maintenance and custodial staff involved in cleaning and minor maintenance tasks where they may come into contact wit asbestos-containing materials, but are unlikely to disturb those materials. Two-hour Asbestos Awareness Training may include topics such as:

  • Background information on asbestos 
  • Health effects of asbestos 
  • Worker protection programs 
  • Locations of ACM in the building 
  • Recognition of ACM damage and deterioration 
  • The O&M program for that building 

Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Training (16 hours) 

This class is for employees who have the possibility of coming into contact with asbestos-containing materials (ACM) that may be accidentally disturbed. This class is for maintenance and custodial workers who are likely to disturb asbestos-containing materials during performance of their job duties. It provides participants with practices for maintaining asbestos-containing material in good condition, ensuring cleanup of previously released asbestos fibers and minimizing exposure to building occupants. Training covers developing an operations and maintenance (O&M) program, implementing and managing the program, and securing O&M controls. Meets AHERA and OSHA requirements. 

Asbestos Worker Training (32 hours)  

This EPA Approved training is for workers who may conduct activity related asbestos abatement activities. Abatement worker training typically addresses a variety of specialized topics, such as: 

  • Pre-asbestos abatement work activities 
  • Work area preparation 
  • Establishing decontamination units 
  • Personal protection, including respirator selection, use, fit-testing, and protective clothing 
  • Worker decontamination procedures 
  • Safety considerations in the abatement work area 
  • A series of practical hands-on exercises 
  • Proper handling and disposal of ACM waste

Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor Training (40 hours) 

This class is required for anyone supervising asbestos abatement workers during the abatement of asbestos-containing materials. In addition to the worker topics listed above, it covers work-site safety, respiratory protection recommendations, record-keeping requirements and hands-on exercises. Meets AHERA, OSHA and state of Missouri requirements 

Asbestos Inspector (24 hours) 

This course is required for all personnel charged with inspecting buildings for potential Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM).  The course includes all necessary topics to obtain certification including: 

  • Background information of asbestos 
  • Potential health effects related to asbestos 
  • Functions, qualifications, and the role of inspectors 
  • Legal liabilities 
  • Understanding building systems 
  • Inspecting for friable and non-friable asbestos and assessing the condition of ACM 
  • Bulk sampling of suspected ACM
  • Recordkeeping and reporting 

Asbestos Management Planner (16 hours) 

This training focuses on conducting a hazard assessment, as well as writing operation and maintenance plans that are site specific. Attendees will learn methods for developing an asbestos management plan. Meets AHERA and state of Missouri requirements 

Other in-person classroom workplace training courses include: 

  • Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) 
  • Confined Space Entry and Rescue 
  • First Aid and CPR 
  • Fall Protection Competent Person EM385
  • Customized client-specific courses